Chris Dunscomb, PA-C


Undergrad: Seattle Pacific University  

Name of Medical/Dental/Graduate School: MEDEX NW, University of Washington Physician Assistant program

Professional areas of Interest: Orthopedics, sports medicine, 


Are you fluent in Spanish? Getting there. Still learning every day. 




Chris Dunscomb, PA-C, is originally from California. When he was young, his family moved to Southern Oregon, where he lived until graduating high school. He then moved to Seattle, where he called home for 23 years before moving to Wenatchee in 2022. He obtained his master’s degree in Clinical Healthcare Services from MEDEX NW, UW School of Medicine and his PA license in 2014. He has spent most of his PA career in Emergency Medicine, where he has been able to gain a wide variety of experience, skills, and knowledge in treating sick and injured patients. He also has experience working in Orthopedic and General surgery. He is passionate about treating his patient as a whole person, as well as explaining the diagnosis in a way his patient can understand. 


When not working, Chris spends most of his time taking care of and having fun with his family which consists of his wife, three children, and two dogs. 


Chris has spent time in Mexico, Venezuela, and Guatemala learning Spanish. He enjoys learning more Spanish every day at work. 


Hometown: Roseburg, OR 


Hobbies: (“What I do for fun”)

His hobbies include backpacking, hiking, reading, having fun with his family (soccer games, gymnastics, and more), exploring new music, and bicycling – both mountain and road biking. He is excited to explore the vast trail system in this area. 


What attracted you to CVCH?

I chose to work at CVCH because the vision aligns with my own professional goal.  I pursued a career in medicine because I want to ALL people to have access to high-quality, affordable healthcare. CVCH has been providing that to Central Washington for 50+ years, and I am honored to be a partner in that mission.